With this method, you will learn to master the English language in a faster and easier way. The DEL method is created based on research on neuroplasticity and on studies of how our brains learn a second language.
By following this method, you will learn all the rules that will help you to use the English language in a correct and precise manner, without making mistakes. It will help you to achieve the level that you need to be able to pass official English exams with ease.
With a special emphasis on oral exercises, through repetition, you will easily learn to communicate in English using fluent vocabulary and correct grammar in any global situation that you might find. You will master the language in a short time and quickly learn to make use of your English knowledge in any way you desire.
The DEL Method will open doors for you, in both academic and professional areas. Achieve all your goals, demonstrating your knowledge in English, with the DEL Method.
The original date of publication January 2021.
Author: Nuria Foreman.
All the activities proposed in each unit are based on the study of techniques that the brain needs to be able to easily acquire a second language. Cognitive neuroscience is the base for the creation of the activities and strategies produced in the DEL Method.
Neuroplasticity is one of the most important aspects of language teaching because it permits the understanding of flexibility in brain activity that happens in the communication between neurones and external stimulants. The studies on neuroplasticity carried out by the author have lead to the creation of a series of cognitive exercises that enhance the function of the brain and the acquisition of English as a second language. The DEL Method offers you the possibility of obtaining excellent results in the learning process of English as a second language.
Each unit of the DEL Method works on the four linguistic skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. You will find vital aspects in grammar and in vocabulary. Each subject concentrates on a grammatical aspect that is perfectly explained and will help you understand how to use the language correctly. It is essential for students to have the ability to augment their English vocabulary in a systematic way and for this reason, vocabulary plays an important part in each unit. The exercises have been designed to motivate students to think about the use of common vocabulary and to understand each and all of their different meanings.
One of the many advantages that the DEL Method offers is the possibility of listening to all the texts and exercises. The great difference that exists between the written and spoken word in English means it is very difficult for a Spanish student to learn the language. For this reason, the DEL Method accelerates the learning process.
The conversation exercises encourage students to use the language fluently as during these exercises, the student has to speak about subjects, relating to familiar surroundings and life experiences. The DEL Method takes into account that neuronal plasticity is different in each individual and the oral activities are created as techniques to reinforce synaptic communication and to maintain cerebral activity.
Otra de las estrategias utilizadas en el Método DEL es el uso de dictados. Con esta herramienta se trabaja el lenguaje desde un enfoque comunicativo practicando las habilidades lingüísticas, siendo una actividad especialmente útil para retener el aspecto de las palabras, incluyendo sus dificultades ortográficas con un grado de atención máxima, fomentando el aprendizaje cooperativo y la cohesión de grupo. Además de aprender a redactar composiciones, ensayos, informes, emails,...de una manera guiada para que puedas demostrar con garantías de éxito un buen nivel de inglés en cualquier entorno social o académico.
The DEL Method is divided into five levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 following the Common European Reference. Each level consists of a text book and an exercise book.
No, the DEL Method is modern and totally digitalised. This advantage permits you to use it on your mobile phone, on your tablet or any other device, making it much easier to use in any situation in day to day life. You can also listen to exercises while simultaneously reading them.